Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Duck Prints in the Snow

A heartwarming drama inspired by the true story of Stanley The Duck who overcame a dibilitating disability (read here) only to undergo a personality conflict that had him believe that he was not a duck at all.  Left in his formative years without duck peers, Stanley forms a bond with five rag tag Nigerian dwarf goats in this epic period piece directed by Ron Howard The Duck.  Filmed on location in the goat barn, Stanley struggles through his journey of self enlightenment and self preservation.  Starring Dottie as the weathered matriarch with a sharp tongue, sharper horns and a heart of gold, Betty as Dottie's wild and unpredictable daughter, Stella, the innocent ingenue who longs to move to Paris and write romance novels on the banks of the Seine, Alice,  Stella's illigitimate daughter whose beauty and poise move men to tears and in her breakout performance, Chi-Chi as the conflicted girl from the country who refuses to relent to any man's embrace and fights barnyard convention that a doe need to flag her tail and stick out her tongue at any buck who ventures past and finally Jake the Dog who gives an Oscar winning performance in a role that he was born to play as the simple farmhand who unsuccessfully dreams of gaining Stanley's respect...

Probably not coming to a theatre anywhere, near anybody, ever.

Smiles from the farm,


  1. OMGosh Lisa, this was totally HILARIOUS!! You have really missed your calling, or HAVE you? Hope there's a sequel to it in the future! ~Lili

  2. This was way too funny. I can't wait to show my husband!!

  3. Oh Lisa-this was hysterical--I loved it!
