Thursday, June 14, 2012

Fifteen Years

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It is my anniversary and I didn't even know it.  The years go by so quickly.  I remember that day like it was yesterday.  It was early evening and I had sat down at my computer and unhooked the telephone line and connected the phone line into the back of the machine.  To do this I had to get down on hands and knees, pull the cord tight and make sure to remember to step over it when I got up to go to the bathroom.  Then I pressed the button to connect.  America Online.  But before the pixelated logo came up on my screen, I had to listen to the screech and static of the connection.  Connecting-connecting-connecting-connecting-no seriously-connecting.  Pop.  There it is.  You've Got Mail.

On that summer evening in 1997, I was just beginning a very voracious habit of collecting vintage Barbie Dolls.  I was 27.  I was a member of an AOL Board dedicated to Vintage Barbies. I kept reading about something called eBay.  I went there.  I signed up and the rest is history.  I sold my first item.  A Malibu Barbie.  I laid her on my scanner for the picture.  She sold for double what I paid.

I only use eBay for printer ink and the occasional sewing supply now.  Gone are the days of breathless anticipation, waiting to see if you "won".  Oh nostalgia.

At least I have this.

No, I didn't download the eBay Community Member Anniversary Certificate to proudly display, even though I earned it.  If "earning it" means signing up 15 years ago and occasionally buying past date flea medication or buttons in bulk.  

Still, it's an honor.  Please don't feel obligated to send gifts.  After all, my 20th is coming right up.  

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