Wednesday, September 21, 2011


I'm not usually a nitpicker.  I embrace the imperfect.  But when the silverware drawer face came off this week and I asked Husband to fix it, this is what I got.  With weird head screws and Gorilla Glue, and it was late at night and I had to walk down to the shed to get tools to rip it back apart. Then I let him fix it again.  It's still crooked, less crooked, but still crooked.  I'm going to let it go.  It's just a drawer.  It's not a big deal.  Deep breaths. 

In other breaking news, I bought a scroll saw at the auction this summer for $7.00.  AND because I'm evidently a narcissistic 13 year old, I set to work making my own name.  Jake disapproves. 

So I'm still working on my big secret project and I have actual plans to put on clothes without stains and go outside the house this weekend.  Hope your week is going swimmingly!

Lisa (really, that's my name-in case you weren't aware)


  1. Love the name...and the drawer would drive me insane!!!

  2. Love the letters. You ought to sell those on Etsy. :)

  3. The drawer would kill somebody and it wouldn't be me. :-D

  4. Laughing at Tracy's comment. I agree. That would drive me batty. heehee

    I love your cut outs. So cool!

  5. I love your crafty-ness.

    Enjoy your day out!

  6. Wait a minute...when did my hubby go to Maine and fix your silverware drawer.

  7. Oh my Lisa--that draw has to make you smile or else--the only alternative is too sad to consider!!?!! Love the letters though!~glad you stuck with your name instead of the name I'd be using on your husband! Bless their hearts!!

  8. Love the letters Lisa! I can relate to cabinets like that, I seem to remember that happening before to me, so we moved. Haha!
