Sunday, November 11, 2012

To all that have served...

Thank you.  

This is a postcard sent to my great-grandmother from my grandfather on May 7, 1943.  It reads:

How is the weather up there now it must be starting to warm up a little by now.  Has the ice gone out of the lake yet.  Have you heard where Elwood went and what about (?) has he gone.  Hope you are all well.  I am o.k.  

PFC Tyler Curtis

My grandfather, Tyler Curtis-taken in 1943

I am grateful for my grandfather's sacrifice in WWII and for that of my stepfather in Vietnam, my baby brother in Afghanistan and for all of our soldiers.  Again, thank you.

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Well That Escalated Quickly...

Yesterday it was autumn.  The sting of winter was in the air, but some of the leaves were still hanging on.  They were looking a little worse for the wear, but still there.  The grass was green.  Well I suppose it still is, underneath.

Winter might not actually be here, but she sent her luggage ahead so we'd be aware that she's coming.

Because, believe it or not, we forget.  The New England summer is a big stupid liar and we are just dumb enough to believe that this will be the year that winter doesn't come.

But it will.  So we will bow down and offer up the sacrificial hot chocolate, wet mittens, heavy boots and soft skin because we are ever reminded of how cruel weather can be.

Stay warm, dry and well moisturized.  She'll be here soon.

Smiles from the farm,